Diet and the Environment
“Fish are friends, not food”, everyone knows this famous line from the classic movie Finding Nemo. So if fish are friends and not food what makes farm animals any different. Farm animals don’t deserve to be housed in cages to later on be slaughtered, but aside from the obvious immoral aspect of it all, the food we are consuming is affecting our environment. All the burgers, steaks, and bacon we are eating is slowing destroying our planet, it only takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. One pound of beef only gets you a quarter pounder at Mcdonalds, but yet it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce that one meal. Imagine what we could do with 2,500 gallons of water if that one pound of beef it took to produce your big mac wasn’t produced or consumed. We could supply flint Michigan with clean water or support third world countries that have no source of clean water closer than 5 miles from their homes. Animals are friends, not food and if we don't realize that soon it will be too late for the environment, the planet, and us.
“Fish are friends, not food”, everyone knows this famous line from the classic movie Finding Nemo. So if fish are friends and not food what makes farm animals any different. Farm animals don’t deserve to be housed in cages to later on be slaughtered, but aside from the obvious immoral aspect of it all, the food we are consuming is affecting our environment. All the burgers, steaks, and bacon we are eating is slowing destroying our planet, it only takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. One pound of beef only gets you a quarter pounder at Mcdonalds, but yet it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce that one meal. Imagine what we could do with 2,500 gallons of water if that one pound of beef it took to produce your big mac wasn’t produced or consumed. We could supply flint Michigan with clean water or support third world countries that have no source of clean water closer than 5 miles from their homes. Animals are friends, not food and if we don't realize that soon it will be too late for the environment, the planet, and us.
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